PC Crashes While GamingImage source: Google.com

If your PC is crashing while you’re gaming, it can be incredibly frustrating. You want to experience the thrill of the game and not be held back by technical problems that shouldn’t even exist in the first place! Here are some ways to make sure your computer is ready for a good session of gaming. The blog post is presented by https://beebuze.com

Update your hardware drivers

PC Crashes While Gaming
Image source: Google.com

You should make sure that your hardware drivers are up to date. Drivers can be found on the manufacturer’s website and updated with just a few clicks. To update your drivers, follow these steps:

  • Open your web browser and go to the manufacturer’s website (e.g., Intel or NVIDIA).
  • Click on the link for “drivers” or “support.”
  • Look through the list of available downloads until you find one that matches what you’re looking for (e.g., if it’s an AMD graphics card). If there isn’t one listed specifically for gaming purposes, choose another version based on whatever else is available–it might still work just fine!

If this doesn’t work out, try searching around online before giving up entirely; there may be another site where people have uploaded older versions of software packages for free download so that those who need them can still get their hands on them without spending any money at all! Take a look at the viper architecture.

Check the power supply

It is also important to check the power supply. If it is not sufficient, replace it. If your PC crashes while gaming due to a bad power supply, this can be fixed by getting a new one.

If everything checks out with the hardware, then there’s something else going on that’s causing these crashes.

Clean up your hard drive

One of the easiest ways to avoid crashes is to clean up your hard drive. This includes deleting old files, especially large ones, and using a disk utility or cleanup tool to remove unnecessary files.

Disk utilities can run in the background while you work or play on your computer without slowing down performance too much (although they may cause some programs’ load times to increase). They can also be run manually from time to time so that you don’t have to wait until there’s an issue before fixing anything.

Adjust your settings

  • Turn down the resolution and graphics quality. This is an obvious one, but it’s worth noting that you can still get a great gaming experience when you turn these settings down. For example, if your game has a maximum resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels and you’re playing on a monitor with a higher resolution than that, try lowering the in-game resolution to something closer to what your monitor supports (e.g., 1440 x 900).
  • Turn off unnecessary programs while gaming. Close any other programs that aren’t essential while playing games–this will free up some resources for your computer to use while running them at full capacity instead of doing other things at the same time!
  • Turn off background processes when possible (or at least put them on low priority). Some apps may run in the background even if they’re not open or active; these apps can slow down your computer considerably if left unchecked over time so be sure to check which ones are running when starting up your PC before launching into any big gaming sessions!

Make sure your computer can take the pressure

Before you start gaming, it’s important to make sure that your computer is up to the task. The first thing you should do is check the specs of each component in your PC. There are a few different ways of doing this:

  • CPU-Z is an app that allows users to view their processor information and compare it with other CPUs. You can download it here (it’s free).
  • GPU-Z is an app for viewing graphics card information. You can download it here (it’s free).
  • AIDA64 offers a suite of tools for checking hardware components like RAM and hard drives, as well as monitoring temperatures and voltages inside your machine (which we’ll get into later). You can download AIDA64 here ($30)


We hope that this article has given you some insight into what causes a PC crash while gaming and how to avoid them. The most important thing is to keep your system up-to-date with the latest drivers and software. This will ensure that all of your hardware works together smoothly, which is critical for avoiding crashes in demanding games like Fortnite or PUBG where every millisecond matters!

By Tony