Android 17 a Boy or Girl in Dragon Ball

In the colorful and captivating universe of Dragon Ball, characters come in all shapes and sizes, each with their unique traits and stories. Among these characters, Android 17 stands out as an enigmatic figure, leading many fans to question whether Android 17 is a boy or a girl. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the lore of Dragon Ball to shed light on this perplexing topic. This article is managed by

The Androids

To understand the gender identity of Android 17, we need to explore the background of the Androids in the Dragon Ball series. Created by the brilliant scientist Dr. Gero, the Androids are bioengineered beings with both organic and mechanical components. Android 17, originally a human named Lapis, was transformed into an Android against his will. This transformation is significant as it raises questions about how gender is defined in the context of these bioengineered characters. Discover the dragon ball games for android.

The Physical Appearance

The Physical Appearance

Android 17’s appearance plays a pivotal role in the gender debate. Sporting a lean and androgynous build, Android 17’s design blurs the lines between traditional male and female characteristics. The absence of overt gender markers in the character’s appearance contributes to the mystery surrounding their gender identity.

Pronoun Usage and Dialogue

In the English dub of Dragon Ball, Android 17 is referred to using male pronouns. This decision in localization has led many fans to perceive Android 17 as a male character. However, it’s important to note that pronoun usage can vary between different translations, and the original Japanese version of the series might not have the same distinctions in pronoun usage.

Role in the Series

Another aspect to consider is Android 17’s role within the series. He is portrayed as a stoic and reserved character with a strong sense of responsibility. While these traits are not inherently tied to a specific gender, they do contribute to the character’s appeal and complexity.

Exploring Identity in Dragon Ball

The world of Dragon Ball often explores themes of identity and self-discovery. Characters like Android 17 raise thought-provoking questions about what it means to be human, and how individuality is shaped by experiences rather than biological traits. This narrative approach adds depth to the gender discussion surrounding Android 17.

Fan Interpretations and Discussions

The ambiguity surrounding Android 17’s gender has sparked numerous discussions within the fan community. Fan art, fan fiction, and online debates all contribute to the diverse interpretations of the character’s gender identity. These discussions highlight the passion and creativity of the Dragon Ball fanbase.


In the realm of Dragon Ball, Android 17 remains a character whose gender identity is open to interpretation. The combination of an androgynous appearance, pronoun usage, and narrative themes makes it clear that the creators intended to leave this aspect of the character deliberately undefined. What is Krillin’s Highest Power Level? This ambiguity adds an extra layer of intrigue to Android 17’s already complex persona, sparking conversations that continue to captivate fans around the world.


Q1: Can Androids in Dragon Ball change their gender?

No, Androids in Dragon Ball are not known to change their gender. Android 17’s gender identity remains a mystery.

Q2: Is Android 17 the only Android with an ambiguous gender?

While Android 17 is the most discussed, other Androids in the series also have unique gender presentations.

Q3: Why did the English dub use male pronouns for Android 17?

Localization decisions can sometimes lead to variations in character portrayal, including pronoun usage.

Q4: Does Android 17’s gender affect the overall story of Dragon Ball?

No, Android 17’s gender is not a central plot point in the series and doesn’t significantly impact the story.

Q5: How do fans contribute to the discussion about Android 17’s gender?

Fans engage in debates, create fan works, and share theories to explore different interpretations of Android 17’s gender identity.

By Tony